Usually it’s the big national organisations that are showing us how it’s done, but this time ESL was recognised as one of Visit Britain’s marketing heroes.

The Team here at Eat Sleep Live Herefordshire (ESL) was delighted when Visit Britain contacted us to ask if they could use our graphics as an example of how to deliver their national campaign for #EscapeTheEveryday.
The campaign is to support Britain’s tourism recovery and ESL has engaged with it to highlight Herefordshire destinations and the county as a place for visitors to enjoy.
Paying close attention to detail and selecting iconic locations like Arthur’s Stone in the Golden Valley and Eastnor Castle near Ledbury, we were thrilled to be held up as exemplars of ‘how to do it well’, and now appear in their #escapetheeveryday campaign toolkit.

“We have an excellent relationship with both Visit England and Visit Britain” said ESL MD Heidi Chamberlain-Jones “they can see that we’re doing things differently here in our tourism model for the county, and to be held up nationally by showcasing the county so professionally is a win/win for not just us but Herefordshire as a destination”.
Eat Sleep Live is entirely supported by its members and receives no public or contract funding, yet has remained strong and steady for the last 5 years to deliver destination marketing for Herefordshire.
Standing steadfastly by through this Covid period, we continue to support the tourism, leisure and lifestyle sector to maximise their marketing and generate customer footflow.
Standing steadfastly by through this Covid period, we continue to support the tourism, leisure and lifestyle sector to maximise their marketing and generate customer footflow.
Join in the Visit Britain Campaign here:
Visit Britain Escape The Everyday Campaign
And also engage with Eat Sleep Live’s more regional #ReDiscoverHERE campaign on this link (Open to non-members too):
ReDiscover Herefordshire campaign