Attracting Pollinators to your Garden – Talk and Workshop
A talk and workshop by beekeeper and award-winning florist Janelle Quitman. Learn how to attract pollinators into your garden and how to use plants to keep the bugs away from your house.
Janelle’s design work includes decoration of the great altar of Edward the Confessor at Westminster Abbey for the Royal Airforce service of thanksgiving and rededication of battle of Britain Sunday. She is a qualified NAFAS speaker and enjoys sharing information about the importance of pollinators, preferring British herbs and flowers grown naturally without use of pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides.
See Talk & Workshop with Janelle Quitman – Priory Arts for further details and to book tickets.
Part of the Threads through Creation events programme at Leominster Priory. For full events listing and further information go to the Priory Arts website prioryarts.org.uk
Fees & Tickets
£5 including refreshments