Battle of Ledbury
Witness the spectacle of the Sealed Knot’s Battle of Ledbury.
The date is 22nd April, 1645. The Parliamentary commander Sir Edward Massey, had not been in Ledbury even 24 hours with his combined force of 1500 infantry and cavalry, before battle was joined. The royalists under the command of Prince Rupert of the Rhine, had turned on the march to confront the enemy after receiving news that Parliamentary forces had occupied Ledbury intent on fortifying the quaint village, and using it a base for sorties deeper into Herefordshire.
After a viscous skirmish throughout the village, the scars of which can still be seen, the Parliamentarians minus the dead and 200 prisoners fled back to the safety of Gloucester.
Sir George Lisle’s Regiment of Foote and other members of the Sealed Knot will provide a Living History Camp, displays and battle with; cavalry, canons, pike and musket at Ledbury Rugby Club to give an idea of what it might have been like on that fateful day.
The armies will parade through the town on the Sunday at approximately 11.45am.
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