Creative Collaboration Concert
Celebrating the work of local folklorist Ella Mary Leather and Ralph Vaughan Williams, featuring acclaimed violinist Julia Bishop, organist/pianist Hilary Norris and folk singers Lu and Robin from the Bushel Bag Carollers. Presented by Leominster Museum and Priory Arts.
This will be an entertaining and eclectic musical evening exploring how Vaughan Williams collaborated with Ella Mary Leather and incorporated folk-songs, including Herefordshire songs, in his music. The evening will include classical and folk performances, interspersed with enlightening quotes from letters and recollections.
Working with Priory Arts and other Community Groups, Leominster Museum has also developed an ambitious programme of musical events to mark 150 years since Ella Mary Leather’s birth, her collaboration with Ralph Vaughan Williams and Cecil Sharp and to celebrate their role in preserving the folk heritage of Herefordshire.
See Creative Collaborations Concert – Priory Arts for further details and to book tickets.
Part of the Threads through Creation events programme at Leominster Priory. For full events listing and further information go to the Priory Arts website.
Fees & Tickets
£10 – under 18s free.