Pudleston Annual Flower Festival
Pudleston Annual Flower Festival is held at St Peter’s Church Pudleston, Near Leominster.
This year the flower festival will go with a swing, if you find your in the mood for a moonlight cocktail, take the chattanooga choo choo to Pudleston for a Glenn Miller vintage weekend.
See the displays based on his most well known tunes.
There will be vintage vehicles making appearances throughout the weekend.
Experience life in an Anderson Shelter and help out with knit for victory.
Tenbury Royal British Legion Choir will be singing on Saturday lunch time.
Keri Hoffman will be singing the tunes of Glenn Miller from 6pm on Saturday.
Have a cup of tea and slice of cake from the NAFFI tent, Sandwiches and lunches also available.
Spot prizes for best vintage costume.
Stalls, raffle and much more…
Further information from Robin Wilson – Church Warden – 01568 750120