Spring Greens Fair
Spring Greens Fair has brought family-friendly events based around sustainability, the environment, conservation and the community to beautiful settings in Herefordshire since 2008, and it is truly inspiring and very enjoyable.
You can watch demonstrations of traditional crafts and new technologies; listen to live music and poetry; attend talks and discussions on anything from local conservation to carbon credits; meet old and new friends; buy organic plants and green products; enjoy freshly prepared food and drinks; join interesting and amusing activities; expand knowledge on guided walks; or just stroll around the beautiful grounds of Court of Noke.
Please see Fairground Attractions for details of this year’s event, or if you would like more information get in touch via the Contacts page.
All the latest Spring Greens Gossip can be found on the Latest News page. Otherwise have a look around the website and read our visitor feedback below.
Fees & Tickets
Free Event