P. 14
Our Story... Meet the makers and discover
how they quenched their
passion to produce.
CULPIN Wythall Estate
Ty Gwyn Cider Vineyards
Pontrilas Ross on Wye
I have fond memories of being an ‘Indie We started our business in 2010, the year
Rock Star’, from when I was fortunate we planted our vineyard, but waited until
enough to have been in a band on the 2014 for our first vintage which is when
London 90s Indie scene and we managed things really got going.
to bag a record deal. We played
Glastonbury and Reading and toured with
the Pretenders. Then I went on a cider
course in 2007 and we got going as Ty
Gwyn Cider not long afterwards. STEVE
Artisan Food and Drink businesses Orgasmic Cider
don’t make too much money, but we Eardisley
enjoy the passion that goes into it and
the interaction with people who really I’ve been in the Cider industry for 24 years,
appreciate what we do. We’ve even added it goes hand-in-hand with farming, which
some holiday accommodation, including I have done all my life. I really do want
our quirky Cider Shack that was featured to revive traditional cider making to the
on TV during its build, for people wanting farm and that’s how we do it. We have the
an even deeper experience. beautiful orchards so everything is directly
from our land and people can come and
Our plans for the business? World Artisan see the whole process of how we make our
Cider Domination! In all honesty we’re delicious cider, perry and juices.
quite happy being the size we are, though
we can always get a few more sales on During lockdown down we stopped
board. Covid was massively tough, we’re completely. Afterwards we enjoyed the
in artisan cider and by extension we’re in custom of people that couldn’t travel abroad
tourism, two things that had to shut right and were enjoying Herefordshire for the first
down. It’ll take about two years to get the time. We’ve got a lovely converted railway
business back on the same footing as it carriage as a holiday let amongst the fruit
was before the pandemic. trees, which is a really special place to stay.
Herefordshire is obviously a great location I find it fascinating to see how Herefordshire
for an artisan cider maker. There are has been shaped by generations of farming
challenges wherever you look around the and the diversity of that, we’re doing it
world, but Herefordshire is pretty blessed ourselves but we still want to retain our
compared to most places. heritage.
Alex’s business insight: Don’t lose your Steve’s business nudge:
passion, but listen to good advice. Be brave and give it a try.
12 SIP DRINK TOUR Herefordshire