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                                            hundreds of years, using only the finest natural
                                            botanicals, no artificial colours or flavours
                                            and a lot of love. Our fine whisky, vodka and
                     SHAUN WARD             rum hold the same artisan excellence.
                     Ludlow Gin
                     Ludlow                 Covid completely changed our business.
                                            Not selling directly to the consumer we lost
        Having trained in the conservation of    most of our revenue streams. Fortunately,
        historic buildings I was Clerk of Works for    in March 2020 we were the Craft Gin Club’s
        St Laurence’s Church Ludlow, as well as   Gin of the Month, giving us an incredible
        being Director of Music there, before   platform to launch our consumer business
        becoming a master distiller. All that classical   and engage with customers. Resilience,
        training has permeated my work and   positivity, networking and community have
        personal life, inspiring my business today.   been key to our growth since.
        Ludlow is famous for its continuously   We’d love to open a distillery experience,
        growing food and drink scene and I spotted   gin school and more exciting products.
        a gap that could combine my passion for    Watch this space!
        gin with my passion for Ludlow.
                                            Shaun’s holy trinity:
        Over many months and even more      •  Turnover is vanity, cash is sanity -
        experiments, I developed a range of unique   know your numbers
        but traditionally juniper-led recipes, all   •  Network, talk to everyone, no matter how
        at a decent 42% strength and launched   obscure, building relationships is the key
        Wardington’s Original Ludlow Gin in   to everything
        September 2018.
                                            •  Take calculated risks (if you know
        We distil gin as it has been crafted for   your numbers!)

                     JEANIE                 Now back in full form, we want to expand
                     FALCONER               the visitors to the vineyard. It’s not just
                     Frome Valley           about tasting our own wines, but sharing
                     Vineyards              information with budding vineyard owners
                     Bishops Frome          who come to visit and learn about the
                                            vines, growing conditions and production
        I was a journalist in turkey in the 1980s and   processes. It is such a beautiful spot; we really
        was then an EU specialist; a public affairs   feel it shows off Herefordshire at its best.
        consultant living in London and Brussels,    As an incomer from Dartmoor, it took me
        so I am an incomer to Herefordshire - it is    a while to appreciate fully what I now see
        my husband who is the local. The vineyard   as truly awesome country. It is an amazing
        was established over 30 years ago and I   county with major hills on three sides (Black
        took it over in 2005, nearly 18 years ago.   Mountains to the west, Shropshire Hills to
        When we arrived I thought “how hard can   the north and the Malverns to the east)
        this be? I’ll give it a go” and here I still am,   sheltering it from the Atlantic weather (hence
        of course I’ve had a steep learning curve but   its fertile, fruit growing strength). It is full of
        absolutely love it. Covid was devastating   astounding history as well, from Romans to
        and we closed down completely, but we   medieval king makers, here on the Marches
        have used the time to do the things we   between England and Wales.
        couldn’t fit in before, especially on the
        marketing side, to be ready for the return.  Jeanie’s business tip: Stay organised!

     16  SIP DRINK TOUR Herefordshire
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