Annual St Thomas Cantilupe Lecture
Annual St Thomas Cantilupe Lecture – Blood and Bones: Thomas Becket and the British Museum is on Tuesday 4 October, Tea in the retrochoir 3.30pm, Lecture in South Transept 4pm – 5pm
On 29 December 1170 Thomas Becket was brutally murdered in Canterbury Cathedral by four knights from King Henry II’s entourage. It was a shocking act few could have predicted, that left medieval Europe reeling. Just over 850 years later the British Museum staged a blockbuster exhibition of his life, death, and legacy. This lecture will explore Becket’s remarkable story from his birth in London around 1120, through the twists and turns of his life story, to his legacy as one of Europe’s most popular saints and reflect on its resonance and relevance for modern audiences.
This talk will be given by Lloyd de Beer, a curator at the British Museum. Join Lloyd in the South Transept on Tuesday 4 October, 4pm, for this talk.
This a Life & Learning talk, tickets are free and can be booked via the website, or by contacting library@herefordcathedral.org or call 01432 374 225/6 www.herefordcathedral.org/Event/annual-st-thomas-cantilupe-lecture
Fees & Tickets