Hereford AppleFest kicked off on 30 September in High Town, Hereford.
Last year saw Herefordshire celebrate the apple, one of our most iconic symbols, with Hereford AppleFest. Over the course of 16 days, the County was host to a fantastic array of apple-themed events, including cider-tasting, art exhibitions, apple fairs, historic city trails, and much more. The AppleFest kick-off in Hereford High Town saw hundreds flock to the centre, enjoying fresh apple juice and cider, children’s activities, and live music all throughout the day.
Following last year’s success, Hereford AppleFest is back with a whole new line-up of excitement!
Fringe events will once again be taking place around the County, from 1 October to 15 October.
Some of the fringe events are depicted below, follow the City Council Facebook Page for further updates.
W: herefordcitycouncil.gov.uk/hereford-applefest/
All photos credit: Hereford City Council